Friday, 12 November 2010

State Pension Deferral

wwwState pension deferral is the right to defer entitlement to the State Pension. In return for deferring a lump sum accrues with interest added to the deferred entitlement at a rate normally of 2% over bank base rate. Therefore the deferral claim cannot accurately be evaluated in advance. Examples of the potential lump sum entitlement are shown in our tax rates.

When is the state pension payable?

Currently the state pension is due at the age of 60 for a woman and 65 for a man. Women’s state pension age will rise to 65 between 2010 and 2020 so that from 6 April 2020 the state pension age for women will be the same as for men. From 2024, the state pension age for both men and women will gradually increase from 65 to reach 68 in 2046.

Deferral options

Defer to increase weekly pension

If entitlement to state pension is waived for five weeks or more extra state pension will be paid when state pension is claimed. For example: if the weekly state pension entitlement is £100 each week, this will increase as follows:

Weekly State PensionYears claim put offExtra state pension entitlementExtra state pension entitlement after 5 years
Each weekEach year

Defer to secure lump sum

A one off payment entitlement accrues where a claim to state pension is deferred continuously for at least one year. In this situation a one off payment becomes due which is calculated based on the amount of state pension entitlement as well as interest. The interest will always be at least 2% above base rate.

The option to defer arises both before entitlement is claimed or while payment is being made and a request is made to cease payments. This is a one time option.

What is the state pension entitlement?

A state pension forecast can be requested by visiting, or by calling the forecasting team on 0845 3000 168 (textphone 0845 3000 169).

Deferral contact details

Call: 0845 60 60 265 (Welsh – speakers living in Wales: 0845 60 60 275)
Textphone: 0845 60 60 285 (Welsh textphone: 0845 60 60 295)

These calls are free from BT land lines. Calls from mobile phones may be charged at premium rates. A request may be made for the operator to call back.

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